We accept returns within 14 days of receipt of the product. Returns are only accepted in case of damaged or faulty products.

In order to qualify for a return, all items must be returned to us within 14 days with the following conditions:

  • Items must be unaltered, unused and in full sellable condition (or the condition in which they were received from us).
  • Items must be in their original packaging/box/dust-cover and with all brand and product labels/tags/instructions still attached.

Return for Sales items - No return or refund for sale items

Damaged Goods/Incorrectly-Fulfilled Orders

If you suspect that an item is faulty or damaged, or the order is incorrectly fulfilled, please notify our customer care team within 48 hours by email info@fltrd.me


Once your return is received, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received your returned item.

Once the item is inspected and approved, then your refund will be processed. Please note, customers are liable for shipping costs on all return items. The credit amount returned in our original payment method will be minus the cost of return shipping to our store.

Refund Process

Your refund will be processed via the following methods:

  • Refunds will be processed using the original payment method (limited to Card Payments)
  • Cash on Delivery payments are refunded as store credit.
  • In case you opt for store credit, the full refund value will be credited to your FLTRD account after the item/s returned have been approved and you will be able to use such refund value for your future purchases. Therefore you will not see a refund on your bank statement account as the refund value will not be transferred to your issuing debit or credit card bank.
  • Please note that Store Credit holds a validity of 3 months from the issuance date.

In case you have additional questions regarding your return, you can contact us on: info@fltrd.me